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Workshop 5: Revisiting and Reflecting on Project Team Design

Organizers: Fefferman, Blum, Bourouiba, Candan, Ryan, Strand


Topic: The purpose of this workshop was to discuss progress and ongoing potential of each of the project teams and identify new opportunities for projects arising from additional experience with Institute partnerships.


# Participants: 18



This workshop revisited the foundational protocol of using a Give-Take framework for identifying opportunities in multi-disciplinary challenges. Institute personnel discussed the ongoing function of existing research project teams, identifying strengths and weaknesses and lessons learned. The Institute agreed to a set of focal efforts for each of the teams, including concluding the efforts of one research question associated with one team and to share the insights gained from its efforts, while refocusing the collaborations that emerged thanks to it. In particular,  the Institute celebrated the identification of discipline-specific research tasks that had arisen as part of its discussions. 


Based on having the experience of the Give-Take framework for the first six project teams, there was then also active discussion of identification of new research topics that might benefit from our Institutional approach and collective expertise. The participants discussed proposed ideas and the protocols for ongoing selection and allocation of effort within each project.


Lastly, this workshop involved the presentation of another consilience tool to invite researchers to pose questions, listen to alternate perspectives, and advance cooperative agendas without having to explain or problem-solve as individual experts: TROIKA consulting. This tool was explained and demonstrated through active, participatory learning during the workshop.



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